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Campus Ministry

Answering 'How are you?' During Holy Week

By Scott Paeplow

Have you ever heard yourself respond to someone’s query of ‘how are you?’ with the word ‘busy?’ I’ve caught myself doing this far too often of late, which has led to some much needed Lenten reflection...especially in the midst of Holy Week- the penultimate week of my Christian faith!

One of the things (and indeed there are many!) that draws me into the beauty of the Triduum observance is the pace and rhythm from Thursday evening until
Easter Sunday midday. During this time, we are invited to intentionally journey with Christ from the Last Supper, through his death at Golgotha, to his resurrection and the stone being pushed away on Easter Sunday. For us at UD, we are particularly blessed to have time away from work, classes, and our everyday routines to enter into this 
journey with our Savior.

Thanks to this break, I hope that we as a faith community are able to depart from the response of ‘busy,’ or ‘tired,’ that can so easily serve as a response to the question posed above and instead respond honestly and authentically as we walk with Christ through Holy

Week. How Am I? I’m overwhelmed that someone would die for me but would leave a ritual, the Eucharist, for me to remember him by- I’m saddened and disgusted by the way in which Christ died for me- I’m overjoyed at my Savior’s victory over sin and death! 

- Scott Paeplow, Campus Minister for Liturgical Music

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Lighthouse Retreat

by Julia Mosier '18

People who are retreat veterans will tell you time and time again that the best decision they ever made at the University of Dayton was taking the leap of faith to go on a retreat. For me however, I wouldn’t see the change that Lighthouse would bring until 6 months later. 

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The Tomb and the Resurrection

What spaces has God spoken to you in and asked you to put away, walk away from, let go of in your journey to the cross this past Lenten season? 

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