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Campus Ministry

Lent 2015: Journey Through the Desert

By Amanda Stewart, GA Liturgy

The question resounds: “What are you ‘giving up’ for Lent?” And in response many wonder: "Why should we 'give up' things for Lent? What’s the point?"

Lent is a period of sacrifice and fasting that breaks up our normal routine. When we reach for the ice cream, but then remember we are fasting from desserts, it provides an opportunity to remember that we commit this small sacrifice in solidarity with Jesus and the ultimate sacrifice He made for us. Giving up something we normally do on a daily or weekly basis encourages us to not go through life on autopilot, but to think more critically about what we are doing and why we are doing it. As Pope Francis says, "Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy.”

Lent is also about making time and space for God. Choosing to “give up” something means fasting from whatever it is - relationships, habits, places or things (media, music, technology) - that separates us from God or distracts us from being the best version of ourselves and living holy lives.

For Lent 2015, Campus Ministry invites you to “Journey Through the Desert” by joining our #UDLentenChallenge. For information and challenge instructions please refer to the back page of this bulletin.

Praying you are shaken from your lethargy and encounter God as you journey through the desert this Lenten season.

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