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Donald V. Chase

Lecturer; Director of Undergraduate Studies

Full-Time Faculty

School of Engineering: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineering Mechanics


Email: Donald Chase
Phone: 937-229-2978
Kettering Laboratories Room 441 D


Dr. Chase has a deep love and appreciation for sustainability efforts with a particular emphasis on water resources. His specialty area is simulating the behavior of large-scale water resource systems in an effort to mitigate the negative effects that humans have on the built environment. He is also interested in the effects of climate change on urban water resource infrastructure systems. Much of Dr. Chase's prior research has focused on minimizing power consumption with a resultant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Selected Publications

Walski, T.M., D.V. Chase, and D.A. Savic. 2001. Water Distribution Modeling, First Edition, Waterbury, Connecticut: Haestad Press.

Chase, D.V. 2000. Operation of water distribution systems. In Water Distribution Systems Handbook, ed. L.W. Mays, chapter 15. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Chase, D.V., and D.E. Guastella. 1998.  Energy Optimization of a raw water pipeline using mathematical programming. Presented at the 8th AWWA Specialty Conference on Computers and Automation in the Water Industry, April, in Reno, NV.

Tiwari, S., D.V. Chase, and D. Guastella. 1997.  Calibrating a complex water transmission and distribution system.  Presented at the 7th AWWA Specialty Conference on Computers and Automation in the Water Industry, April, Austin, TX.

Guastella, D., A. Quaquish, J. Dillingham, and D.V. Chase. 1995.  Hydraulic transients in a large water distribution system. Presented at the 2nd ASCE International Conference on Underground Advances in Pipeline Engineering, June, Seattle, WA.


  • Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of Kentucky, 1993
  • M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kentucky, 1989
  • B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kentucky, 1985

Professional Activities

  • American Society of Civil Engineers
  • American Water Works Association
  • Water for People

Research Interests

  • Environmental
  • Water resources