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Mary Told Differently

It Could Have Been a Book on Mary

Mary Told Differently (Marie autrement)

– Introduction by Father Johann Roten, S.M.

For years Father François Rossier, S.M. had the intention to write a book about Mary. He wanted to write something new, something different. A book that would leave behind the well-trodden paths of classical mariology, and joyfully engage the "road not taken." He remained somewhat vague about what this new mariology should be. When asked, he would make the gesture of "tabula rasa" and add, "It needs to be concrete, concrete! I want a Mary who is real, no catechism mariology but neither some abstract figure. A biblical mariology? I don't want a mariology, I want Mary." He never wrote the book whose title was to be Marie autrement, a different Mary, or better, Mary told differently. But he made a beginning. He wrote what could be a chapter of a book, or an article. Surprise? The article, in French, deals with the Son of Man, not with Mary. He was convinced to have found in the biblical figure of the Son of Man a key to a different Mary. How? The article tries to explain.

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