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Factors that Can Bias SET Results

Instructor gender

A great deal of research has been devoted to examining the relationship between gender and SET results.  Many studies of SET results find no statistically significant differences based on gender when controlling for other possible sources of bias (Centra & Gaubatz, 1998; Feldman, 1992; Theall & Franklin, 2001; Benton & Cashin, 2012; Wright & Jenkins-Guarnieri, 2012).  Many other studies of SET results find a consistent bias against women faculty (Amin, 1994; Sprague & Massoni, 2005; Abel, M. H., & Meltzer, 2007; MacNell et al., 2015; Boring, Ottoboni, & Stark, 2016).  Still others find that female faculty members receive higher SET evaluations than do male faculty members (Wigington, Tollefson, & Rodriguez, 1989; Rowden & Carlson, 1996; Whitworth, Price, & Randall, 2002).  Some researchers suggest complicated correlations between the gender of the students completing SET and the gender of the instructor (Basow & Distenfield, 1985; Basow and Silberg, 1987; Atamian & Ganguli, 1993; Goldberg & Callahan, 1991; Bachen, McLoughlin, & Garcia, 1999).

Instructor ethnicity

Though not studied as extensively as other factors, research suggests that students of the same ethnicity as the instructor may rate him or her slightly higher (Centra, 1993).  However, research also indicates that, overall, non-white instructors receive lower ratings than their white colleagues (McPherson & Jewell, 2007).

Instructor being a non-native speaker of English

Students with English as their first language give slightly lower ratings to non-native English-speaking instructors. Even further, a correlation between gender and language is noted; male non-native English speaking instructors receive slightly lower ratings than female non-native English speaking instructors (Hamermesh & Parker, 2005; Huston, 2005).

Instructor physical appearance

Research suggests there may be a correlation between perceived attractiveness or personal appearance and higher ratings. Students, especially undergraduates, rate instructors higher if the students perceive the instructors as physically attractive or simply presenting a kept personal appearance through demeanor, dress, health, etc. (Hamermesh & Parker, 2005; Abrami, Rosenfield, & Dedic, 2007).

Instructor age

Older faculty receive lower ratings than do younger faculty (Feldman, 1983).  Some research suggests that students reward youthfulness and the "seasoned" instructor, over 55, but that the ratings become lower between those two poles (McPherson & Jewell, 2007). First year / very early career instructors consistently receive lower ratings (Benton & Cashin, 2012).

Instructor confidence and enthusiasm

Two factors of instructor personality positively influence ratings: positive self-esteem and energy or enthusiasm (Feldman, 1986; Benton & Cashin, 2012; Davidovitch & Soen, 2009).

Academic field

Research shows differences in ratings by field. Arts and humanities instructors frequently receive higher ratings than social science and math instructors (Feldman, 1978). Increasing evidence supports this disparity by field, but the reason why it occurs remains unclear. Some speculate that certain subjects are more difficult to teach, while others wonder if the disparity in ratings reflects a larger trend of shifting capacities among students, i.e. students more easily grasp / respond to arts and humanities as opposed to social sciences and math (Feldman, 1978; Centra, 1993, 2009).

Undergraduate vs. graduate course

Graduate students tend to rate instructors more favorably than undergraduate students (Aleamoni & Hexner, 1980; Goldberg & Callahan, 1991).

Relevancy and difficulty of work required in course

If students deem assignments and activities unnecessary / unrelated to the course (i.e., “busy work”), ratings are lower. Students tend to give higher ratings to instructors who require demanding work that directly relates to instructional objectives (Bain, 2004; Benton & Cashin, 2012; Keegan).

Amount learned in course

There are consistently high correlations between students' ratings of the "amount learned" in the course and their overall ratings of the teacher and the course. The students who performed the best on final exams also gave the highest ratings (Theall & Franklin, 2001).

Class size

Instructors with smaller classes receive higher ratings than do instructors with larger classes (Benton & Cashin, 2012; Feldman, 1984, Hoyt & Lee, 2002).

Student interest in the course topic

Instructors receive higher ratings in courses that students had a prior interest in, such as courses directly related to their major, or that students were taking as an elective (Marsh & Dunkin, 1992; Aleamoni, 1981).

Instructor's presence

Ratings will be higher if the instructor stays in the classroom while students fill out the ratings form (Braskamp & Ory, 1994; Centra, 1993; Feldman, 1979; Marsh & Dunkin, 1992).


Signed ratings tend to be higher (Braskamp & Ory, 1994; Centra, 1993; Feldman, 1979; Marsh & Dunkin, 1992). Online evaluations raise concerns for students about anonymity, since they worry that digital evaluations will be easier to track (Benton & Cashin, 2012).


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