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WEP Events

Social Engagement Events
Ice Cream Social

After the annual Up the Orgs event, where students have the opportunity to learn about the different clubs and organizations on campus, the Women Engineering Program hosts our annual Ice Cream Social. This is the very first WEP event of the year where we introduce first year students to the program and have them meet upperclassmen in the Women Engineering Program.

Everything Pumpkin Event

We love to celebrate holidays at WEP. One holiday tradition we always host an event for is Halloween. At our Everything Pumpkin Event, we supply pumpkins for our students to paint or carve. This is a great opportunity for students to decompress, socialize and meet other students outside of their grade level and major. 

...and more!

The Women Engineering Program hosts additional social events that change from year to year. We plan crafting events like Painting in the Plaza or a sweet treat event like our Chocolate Party. The goal of these events are to help build a closely connected community with our women in engineering and give our students opportunities to decompress and enjoy some downtime throughout the year.


Beth Hart, Director, Women Engineering Program

Kettering Laboratories
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0255