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Fr. William J. Ferree Chair of Social Justice


The Father William J. Ferree Chair of Social Justice works with partners on and off campus to integrate the Catholic approach to social justice into the curriculum, research, and community engagement throughout the university.

The Common Good in a Divided City: Racism, The Church, and the Challenge of Regional Solidarity

How can we promote the common good when we live in spaces that divide us? Brother Ray Fitz, S.M., the former president of the University of Dayton, civic leader, and scholar of Catholic social teaching, raises pointed questions about the common good and our cities. In light of the Marianist charism of building local communities, Brother Ray asks, how can the church, itself so divided, be a catalyst and partner in building the regional common good? Is regional solidarity possible? 

Into the Deep

How often we are tempted to keep close to the shore! Yet the Lord calls us to put out into the deep and let down our nets. - Gaudete et Exsultate, #130

Learn about those who are working boldly for social justice at local, national, and international levels.

About Fr. Ferree
Fr. Ferree taught that the act of social justice is organizing people to shape social structures that promote the common good.
About the Current Chair

University of Dayton associate professor of religious studies Kelly Johnson became the first holder of the Father William J. Ferree Chair of Social Justice in July 2019.

Photo, top of page: Shared with the permission of the Marianist Province of the United States from FamilyOnline, Volume 17, Number 4.