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Gillian Halusker

Doctoral Student

Graduate Assistant

College of Arts and Sciences: Religious Studies


Email: Gillian Halusker
HM 012


  • M.A., Theology and Religious Studies, John Carroll University
  • Honors B.A., History, Classics, Xavier University


Gillian's primary research interests include ecotheology, animal ethics and feminist theology. Her main focus is the way in which theology speaks to the relationship between humans and the nonhuman world. Her master's essay, entitled "Theocentricity and Its Challenge to Human Dominance," explored the implications of Jesus' ethic of servant leadership for human-nonhuman relationships and analyzed current social structures in which humans interact with nonhuman animals, such as farming and animal research, with Jesus' ethic as a standard. Before coming to Dayton, Gillian was an adjunct at John Carroll University, teaching "Introduction to Theology and Religious Studies," "Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching," and "Animals, Planet, Ethics."

Selected presentations

Moderator for "An Interreligious Discussion of Pope Francis’ Plea For The Earth," John Carroll University, Nov 2015.