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On-Campus & Virtual

Ways to Engage

While at the University of Dayton, there are a number of ways for you to expose yourself to new people and experiences whether you are in search of ways to celebrate traditions and culture or explore the deeper interconnectedness of our global community.  In the Global and Intercultural Affairs Center, we strive to create an array of opportunities that students can opt into and begin to shape themselves as more globally conscious and engaged citizens of our world.

We're committed to accessibility, and offer opportunities in various modalities: on-campus, virtual, and global, with a view towards building diversity and inclusion in all we do. Below are a few examples of ways that the we support global and intercultural opportunities on campus.

International Education Week is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide.  This joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education is part of efforts to prepare students for a global environment by studying, learning and exchanging experiences.  A number of institutions across the country acknowledge and celebrate this week.

International Education Week celebrates and explores global and intercultural learning through education abroad and away, virtual exchange, and opportunities to learn about cultures represented here at UD. Participate in programs including global games, cultural tables, panel discussions, and the International Festival! 

IEW 2023 takes place November 6-10, 2023. Check out our full list of events:

  • Rangoli Making with UDayton Global // Monday, November 6, 12:30-2pm // Rike 108, WEx Lounge
    • Stop by the WEx Lounge between 12:30 and 2 p.m. in the Rike Center to try your hand at rangoli! Rangoli is a traditional colorful art form that is intended to represent happiness and enlightenment. Rangoli is often done during Diwali, an annual celebration of light over darkness. You’ll have the opportunity to create rangoli on paper to take home, or to draw rangoli on the white board in the lounge. All supplies will be provided and you’ll have guides to help you!
  • Ed Abroad Tabling // KU // 11am-2pm, Tuesday through Friday
    • Visit the KU information tables Tuesday through Friday to explore highlights of various regions of the world.  Learn more about education abroad opportunities and engage in conversations with students studying at Dayton from these regions.  Come learn more about the local-to-global connections we have to support your UD experience!
  • Faculty Programs to Support Internationalization // Tuesday, November 7, 12:30-1:30pm // KU Torch Lounge
    • Are you a faculty member interested in becoming more engaged with the Global and Intercultural Affairs Center? Do you have a passion for global and intercultural learning and desire to help enhance the student experience?  In this roundtable, faculty attendees can enjoy coffee while hearing from their faculty peers about their experience with the Global Education Seminar, COIL Fellows Program and/or Faculty-led education abroad programs.  Attendees will gain a better understanding of how to get involved and create meaningful impact on the campus community. The panel of faculty will include: Nicky Adams, Philip Appiah-Kubi, Sharon Bommer, Darden Bradshaw, Lissa Cupp, David Fine, and Haozhou Pu. So we can plan appropriately, please register by completing this form.
  • Citizens Of The World Photography Exhibit & Reception // Wednesday, November 8, 12:30pm-2pm // ArtStreet Lobby
    • Join us for an opening reception to celebrate the perspectives of students as they answered the question: What does it mean to be a citizen of the world? Photography selections from global and intercultural experiences submitted by students will be showcased in an exhibit that runs until January. Refreshments provided. Free and open to all, no registration needed. *This event is Path-eligible. 
  • Intercultural Student Experiences: The Global Learning Living Community //
    Thursday, November 9, 4:15pm (1st year students) and 5:30pm (upper division students) // Register on 1850
    • Come learn about students’ experiences in the Global Learning Living Community. Hear first-hand experiences from residents living in the GLLC community as they provide insight about what they’ve learned about interacting and forming relationships with people from all over the world! *This event is Path-eligible. 
  • International Festival // KU Boll Theater and Ballroom // Friday, November 10 // 3:30-6:30pm 
    • Join us as we celebrate International Education Week at the 2023 International Festival! See how international students represent their global experiences through performances, a fashion show, cultural booths, and an assortment of games from around the world. Come watch performances starting at 3:30pm in UD Kennedy Union Boll Theater, and then explore the cultural booths and games in the KU Ballroom until 6:30pm! This event is open and free to the campus. *Part of this event is Path-eligible. 

The International and Intercultural Leadership Certificate is a distinguished academic track within multiple disciplines that highlights and promotes the value and necessity of working across cultures. It provides one mechanism that helps the University achieve its vision of a meaningful intercultural experience for all.

The certificate is open to all majors.  IILC students select an international or domestic experience that creates opportunity for intercultural engagement, and respectful and thoughtful interaction with people across cultures.  Options may include a semester abroad, exchange program, faculty-led program, or an immersion program.  The experience chosen aligns thematically with the selected coursework for the certificate.  To maximize the value of the certificate, students are highly encouraged to select an experience where they can utilize the target language.  

Program overview

CURRICULUM: The courses taken on campus provide the foundation to develop the learning outcomes. The curriculum has three components: social justice, context and leadership. Students must also take these courses from four different disciplines.

LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY: To be achieved by taking courses or demonstrating proficiency via a placement exam.

INTERNATIONAL / INTERCULTURAL EXPERIENCE: An education abroad program offered by an accredited institution or recognized program provider, or a local experience in the target language.

EXPERIENTIAL CAPSTONE: A mini-course that would include an experiential project that would require students to integrate and apply their learning. Students would also reflect on and share their experience and the integration of their knowledge in a professional presentation such as Stander.

There are a number of benefits of living in a Learning Living Communities. Often, students in LLCs feel a stronger sense of belonging, receive additional support, and are able to create stronger friendships with their peers.  In collaboration with Housing and Residence Life, we offer a unique globally-focused learning living community.  

The Global Learning Living Community is open to sophomores, juniors and seniors.  The GLLC fosters community by hosting retreats and a series of programs throughout the year that are designed to build awareness about each other and explore the campus and city of Dayton.  Students in the GLLC have the option to select into a 1-credit mini-course that is built around the theme of global citizenship.

Social justice education is an important aspect of our identity as a Marianist institution.  While at UD, you will find a number of ways to deepen your understanding of the interconnectedness of global systems and their legacies and implications.  Through this process, you will receive support to explore your own role in society and how you can begin to act in more socially just ways.

While at UD, look out for the Diversity Peer Educators Program, which brings together a cohort of students interested in social justice education and dialogue.  Over time, through mentorship and support, students evolve as leaders on campus that facilitate peer-to-peer diversity workshops.  Also look out for Creating Inclusive Community, which brings a cohort of students together in a mini-course format to examine privilege, power and ways to take action.

Dialogue and intercultural development are foundations for social justice education. As a campus, we are committed to building dialogue capacity amongst students, staff and faculty so that we can productively address relevant global topics and engage with difference.  While at UD, visit the Dialogue Zone, located in Roesch Library, and take part in any of the many dialogues offered throughout the year.

An enjoyable part of campus life is attending performances and celebrations on campus.  Whether it's CultureFest or the International Festival, we host both large-scale annual celebrations on-campus as well as smaller gatherings.  In the Global and Intercultural Affairs Center, we take pride in our student employees, also known as World Associates, and are always seeking talented new hires.  When you arrive on campus, contact us, and we would be happy to direct you towards your interests!


Global Learning: On Campus & Virtual

Alumni Hall, Room 211
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 1701