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LGBTQ+ Events and Programs


ProUD to have PRIDE

CommUNITY is what keeps us together. To celebrate the growing diversity of our community, we collaborate with folks all across campus to host a campus-wide, week-long event focusing on education, awareness, joy, and community building for those who identify as LGBTQ+. During the week, we will be giving out our pride week tshirts designed by a UD student through our pride week tshirt design contest. 


Events that have been offered during pride week are:

  • Living OUT Speaker Series
  • Our Voices Matter 
  • QTBIPOC and Mental Health
  • QDayton Colloquium 
  • Lavender Ball 
  • Pride Week Tshirt Giveaway



Living OUT Speaker Series

The Brook Center’s Living OUT Speaker Series is a recurring annual event that hosts LGBTQ+ artists, alumni, scholars, researchers, writers, and other professionals as they talk about living their identities and how they show up in their careers or areas of interest. The series provides a venue for the University of Dayton community to learn about and engage in dialogue around queer identity and the historical, social, and cultural manifestations of queerness. 



National Coming Out Day (NCOD)

The Brook Center recognizes National Coming Out Day (NCOD), which occurs annually on October 11th. 

The coming out process looks different for everyone. With coming out being so unique, we strive to continue to create space for students, faculty, and staff to live as their authentic selves and celebrate all members of our community. 



The Midwest Bisexual Lesbian Gay Transgender Asexual College Conference (MBLGTACC) is an annual conference held to connect, educate, and empower queer and trans+ college students, faculty, and staff around the Midwest and beyond. The University of Dayton has had student representatives attend this conference since 2016. Upon returning from the conference, the cohort of students bring their new knowledge to our UD community as we continuously make our campus more welcoming to all. 

If you are interested in attending the conference, please reach out to the LGBTQ+ Student Services Coordinator to get the application.


Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR)

On November 20th of each year, we honor the memory of the trans and gender expansive people whose lives were lost to suicide, transphobia, and acts of anti-transgender violence. Join us for our community vigil and memorial on the KU lawn.

For more information about this event, check out the event posting on 1850.


Our Voices Matter

As a part of Pride Week, the Q*mmunity Leaders have shared anonymously submitted stories from their peers that talk about their experiences of being LGBTQ+ on campus. The stories are centered around community: how do you define community, how have you felt both included and excluded from community on campus, and experiences in being a part of the LGBTQ+ community. 


Lavender Ball

This event is a combination of Lavender Graduation and a formal dance to celebrate LGBTQ+ and allying students in the UD community. The lavender ball consists of a ceremony in which graduating seniors who are within the LGBTQ+ community or allies receive a lavender cord to show both support and recognition for being a whole member of our community. There is an awards ceremony where students, faculty, and staff receive awards highlighting their contributions to not only the LGBTQ+ community on campus but also the campus as a whole. Following the graduation portion,there is a reception for all in attendance to come together and celebrate as one community.  If you are a graduating senior in 2024 and would like to register to be recognized, please complete this link.



Sawyer Federinko, Assistant Director of LGBTQ+ Student Services Coordinator

300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 2622