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LGBTQ+ and Allied Student Groups

Building Your Community


Q*mmunity Leaders are a group of student peer educators that strive to cultivate a more welcoming, safer, and accepting campus environment for LGBTQ+ individuals at UD. Through engaging our peers with intentional conversations, presentations, programs, and events, we can continue to raise awareness of, and build a community of support for, the LGBTQ+ community.

Mission Statement: We are peer educators with the goal of raising awareness of the LGBTQ+ community at the University of Dayton. We provide our peers with the opportunities to learn more about LGBTQ+ identities and experiences through presentations, programs, and events. We approach this work with a historical lens of discrimination and injustice and how that still impacts the LGBTQ+ community today. While becoming more knowledgeable of the role that intersectionality plays, we strive to make our campus more inclusive and equitable for students of all sexualities and genders.  

Values: authenticity, inclusivity, respect, dialogue, and acceptance 

Interested in becoming a Q*mmunity Leader? Email the Q*mmunity Leaders Adviser, Elizabeth Long,

Apply to be a peer educator!

More Student Groups


Spectrum's mission is to provide a strong, supportive community for UD's LGBTQ+ students with the hopes of further spreading awareness, acceptance, and resources relating to queer issues and culture. To achieve its mission, Spectrum provides regular discussion forums about topics relevant to LGBTQ+ students and allies. Additionally, the organization hosts events and activities to provide an outlet for current students and other members of UD’s LGBTQ+ community.

Visit our 1850 page to learn more! 


The mission of FOLX is to support Queer, Transgender, Black, Indigenous, People of Color (QTBIPOC) students and provide a sense of community for those who otherwise feel their identities are not represented.

View of 1850 page to learn more! 

Faithful Ally Retreat

During this retreat, Faithful Ally, we will build upon the understanding that all are created in the image and likeness of God and that we all embody a spark of the Divine. Student leaders will share their experience and create open spaces for safe dialogue where participants can explore the intersection of identities as both people of faith and as LGBTQ+ Allies. 

Contact Sabina Marroquin at for more information! 

For more information about LGBTQ+ and Allyship ministry, click here.


Sawyer Federinko, Assistant Director of LGBTQ+ Student Services Coordinator

300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 2622