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Advanced Materials Characterization

Aging test underway to better understand how certain materials fail over time.

Understanding why Materials Fail

UDRI's Advanced Materials Characterization (AMC) researchers characterize materials to understand the role of microstructure on materials properties and develop technology to define the growth of damage that exists in structural materials. Such damage causes structures to fail.

We use experimental findings to develop models, especially focused on small cracks, that help the US Air Force better predict the service life of their components and systems. In addition, we investigate retired turbine aircraft components to determine causes for rejection during scheduled Air Force depot inspections.

Our scientists and engineers have experience conducting advanced and sophisticated mechanical tests for materials characterization including the study of advanced alloys and composites including polymer, metal, and ceramic matrix composites under various loads, temperatures and environments.

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Top: Aging test underway to better understand how certain materials fail over time.


University of Dayton Research Institute

300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0101