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Dayton Engineer

ETHOS 2016 Feature

By Devon Florczak

ETHOS Immersion India 2016

Katie Willard (CME) has been on two 10-day ETHOS breakouts to Nicaragua and Costa Rica and served as ETHOS Club president. Claudia Labrador Rached (CME), an international student from Caracas, Venezuela, studied abroad last summer in Suzhou, China. This summer Katie and Claudia will be in Patna, India, through The ETHOS Center. Click here to access their blog and follow their ETHOS Center work.

ETHOS Immersion Nicaragua 2016

Andrew Tarutani (MEE) and Teresa Bradford (CME) are spending ten weeks in Matagalpa, Nicaragua, this summer and blogging when they can. Click here for the link to their blog, bookmark it and follow their ETHOS Center work.

The University of Dayton ETHOS (Engineers in Technical Humanitarian Opportunities of Service Learning) Center, founded in 2001 by a team of engineering students, moves engineering curriculum beyond the classroom and beyond the country.

ETHOS students benefit from service-learning experiences and technical projects across the globe and gain new perspectives on how engineering and technology are influenced by the world.

ETHOS is rooted in the belief that engineers are more capable to serve our world when they experience opportunities that increase their understanding of technology’s global linkage with values, culture, society, politics and economics. Since 2001, ETHOS has sent 270 students to 20 different countries, while working with 38 project sponsors. 

This year, the University of Dayton ETHOS Center partners with in-country hosts who sponsor our projects in 8 different countries: Guatemala, Bolivia, Dominica, Malawi, South Africa, Cameroon, India and Nicaragua.

There's no better way to detail what happens during an immersion trip than from the student's words and images. Click the links above and follow the student blogs from Patna, India, and Matagalpa, Nicaragua!

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