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Campus Ministry

Peace of the Spirit

The Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in my name,
will teach you everything
and remind you of all that I told you.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. 
(John 14)

Few of us need to be reminded that finals are coming up this week! Now is the time to finish projects, study (a lot), and complete papers cramming in as much as can be learned in a finite amount of time.

This message from the Gospel of John comes as a reminder that the Holy Spirit is with us, teaching us everything we need, bringing us peace. While the Holy Spirit may not pass your exams for you, knowing that God’s presence is with you to give you all that you need to make it through the challenges at hand can bring quite a bit of comfort and maybe some sense of peace.

As the anxiety of exams set in, pray for the peace of the Holy Spirit. Graduates, remember the peace of the Holy Spirit as you embark upon new jobs, grad programs, and relationships. As Jesus left the disciples, he promised to remain with them and equip them with all they needed to know. The Holy Spirit is his presence. May the Spirit of all that is good at UD, the Spirit of the presence of Christ, go with you to teach and comfort you in whatever is next for you.

Congratulations graduates of 2016. We cannot wait to see how the Holy Spirit inspires you to impact the world! 

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Interfaith Dialogue and Ministry

Engaging in interfaith relationships and ministry pushes me to look beyond myself. It challenges the way that I look at the world, and it helps me to appreciate those around me in new ways.  

- Julie Benedetto, Interfaith Ministry GA

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200? You Don't Look Day Over 30!

The Marianist Sisters (Daughters of Mary Immaculate) celebrated the 200th anniversary of their founding with Mass in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception on Wednesday, May 25th. It's hard to believe that the community is that old, considering the youthful energy and growth in ministries they are experiencing. 

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